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Paul McCarthy: This Is a Historic Moment for Consumer Choice

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, we gave leaders from the major distribution groups and trade associations an opportunity to reflect on the most critical issues affecting the automotive aftermarket. For the second year in a row, we let distribution leaders “riff” on these topics in their own words.

Here’s what Paul McCarthy, president and CEO of MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers, had to say about the ongoing battle to pass federal Right-to-Repair legislation.

We are in a historic moment for our industry. The REPAIR Act is the most important piece of aftermarket federal legislation since Magnuson-Moss in 1975.

If we don’t have the REPAIR Act, our research says that by 2035, $86 billion in consumer service choices will be thwarted by repair restrictions – and that number will grow quickly. Repairability isn’t just an automotive issue. It matters even more in the commercial-vehicle sector, where the information and access are needed to minimize downtime.

Government advocacy plays a crucial role in strengthening the automotive aftermarket. It’s an important activity that we can all participate in whether you have an “inside-the-beltway” background or just are passionate about our industry. By using our collective voices to highlight the significance of issues such as the Right to Repair movement, we support a thriving aftermarket sector that benefits consumers, ensures safety and fosters innovation.

And we have something that we can all believe in; the REPAIR Act is principle-based. We ask to continue what we’ve had – which is the ability to repair and maintain vehicles. What we advocate for is simple: the principles of consumer choice and free markets.

One of our key values is a commitment to safety. Aftermarket suppliers believe in safety, cybersecurity, trust, intellectual-property protection, privacy and cross-industry cooperation. And our industry has the technology and governance institutions to achieve all of this and repairability for consumers.

For example, the REPAIR act engages NHTSA to ensure repair safety and cybersecurity. As NHTSA pointed out in its vehicle cybersecurity guidelines, “ … Cybersecurity should not become a reason to justify limiting serviceability. Similarly, serviceability should not limit strong cybersecurity controls.” The REPAIR act ensures this.

Building relationships with elected officials is another powerful strategy. This summer, several of our members are engaging one-on-one with representatives at their facilities. These essential interactions ensure the industry’s voices are heard and cultivate government champions who can drive positive change on the aftermarket’s behalf.

I invite you to join MEMA’s and our industry’s advocacy efforts on repair access and other issues that are important to you. Your work and influence today will ensure a vibrant and prosperous aftermarket sector for years to come.

MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers

  • Founded: 1904
  • Headquarters: RTP, North Carolina (aftermarket); Washington, D.C. (government advocacy)
  • Number of members: 375 aftermarket suppliers of the parts, tools, chemical and technologies that keep vehicles running safely and affordably across their lifecycle.
  • Website:
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      PM: I have combined these questions, because if you look through a longer-term lens, the aftermarket’s greatest threat and opportunity are the same: technology.
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      AMN/CM: How can the independent aftermarket parts and  service segments best prepare to repair the car of tomorrow as ADAS, EVs and other technologies become more prominent?
      PM: In addition to the points above, we have a lot of work and training to do – together, up and down the value chain – to make sure that shops are prepared, and consumers know that the aftermarket is ready and able to supply the parts, tools and technologies to fix these vehicles. And we can.
      AMN/CM: How is the Right to Repair issue impacting your members’ business?
      PM: All this opportunity is contingent on one thing: Right to Repair legislation that allows market competition. Right to Repair, and the Federal REPAIR Act, are necessary to realize our future.
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      Frankly, it has been amazing how well all of us have fulfilled customer demand given these challenges. Despite little to no improvement in inbound goods and manufacturing inputs, our most recent AASA Supplier Barometer showed that fill rates have significantly improved since early in the year. This is thanks, in part, to supplier ingenuity and problem-solving. It is also due to improvements in communication up and down the value chain. Collaboration is showing real results. Though the end is not in sight, improvement is happening.
      AMN/CM: As advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS) and other emerging technologies become more prevalent on new vehicles, it will require the brightest minds to service and repair them. How can we better position this challenge as an opportunity for the parts and service segments of the aftermarket?
      PM: Glad you mention ADAS. There has been so much focus on electrification that we’ve not paid enough attention to ADAS, the revolution that is just around the corner. As soon as 2024, two-thirds of new vehicles will have some level 1-3 driving automation technology. By 2030, ADAS will be on almost half of the vehicle fleet, a vastly greater penetration than electrification.
      ADAS brings a lot of expensive parts.  Each of these technologies can break or need calibration or maintenance. This huge increase in vehicle technology bodes well for future aftermarket “tickets.” At this point, this work largely goes to the dealer. And, as volume grows, the aftermarket needs to do what we’ve done with vehicle reprogramming – provide easy solutions, including calibration, trusted parts and training – to simply make this part of the repair offering, easily.
      We will have a session at the AASA Vision Conference the first week of April where we will share our latest research and thought leadership on the growth rates and aftermarket opportunities for ADAS in the second half of this decade.
      ADAS’s growth also highlights the need for Right to Repair, including access to vehicle data, diagnostics and product-integration information and software APIs to ensure a continued competitive market and consumer choice on where – and with what parts – vehicles can be repaired.
      AMN/CM: What phrase describes your “words to live by?”
      PM: Cheating – two from Stephen Covey: “Begin with the end in mind” and “Think win-win.”
      AMN/CM: What is your best icebreaker at a networking reception?
      PM: How’s the family? (Always nice to hear the answers about people who people love.) 
      AMN/CM: What is your dream car, or favorite vehicle you’ve owned?
      PM: Right now, the additional cars I wish I had parked in my driveway migrate between an Icon Derelict based on a ‘53 Studebaker Starliner Coupe, another Miata (convertible, cheap, easy to work on and fun to drive, so always a good bonus car), or maybe a Bronco … all fun to think about …
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