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The University of the Aftermarket Foundation (UAF) board of trustees has elected its officers for fiscal-year 2024.

Veteran aftermarket executive Roger McCollum will serve as chairman of the foundation.

McCollum replaces outgoing chairman Bob Egan, who has transitioned to the role of chairman emeritus.

Chris Pruitt has taken on the role of secretary vacated by McCollum.

The UAF board of trustees held an official confirmation vote on Oct. 28 during its meeting in Las Vegas. The approved slate of officers is as follows:

  • Chairman – Roger McCollum, MAAP, The McCollum Family
  • Senior vice chairman – John R. Washbish, MAAP, president and CEO, Aftermarket Auto Parts Alliance
  • Vice chairman – Larry Pavey, AAP, CEO, Automotive Parts Services Group
  • Treasurer – William Maggs, MAAP, executive vice president, supply chain, Parts Authority
  • Secretary – Chris Pruitt, president and CEO, East Penn Manufacturing and Flicker/Langdon/Pruitt
  • Chairman emeritus – Bob Egan, MAAP, Egan & Associates
  • Chairman emeritus – Rusty Bishop, AAP, leadership advisor, Federated Auto Parts
  • Executive director – Jennifer Tio, MAAP, president, Maximum Marketing Services Inc.

The following Lifetime Trustee representatives will serve on the University of the Aftermarket Foundation board of trustees in the coming year:

  • Mohammed Al Fayyad, ACDelco
  • Michelle Allen, Valvoline
  • Bill Babcox, AAP, Babcox Media
  • Corey Bartlett, Automotive Parts Headquarters
  • Richard Beirne, MAAP, Richard and Lisa Beirne
  • Jason Best, First Brands Group
  • Marc Blackman, Gold Eagle
  • Jeff Blocher, Mann + Hummel MHFT
  • Fred Bunting, The Bunting Family
  • Mike Buzzard, AAP, The Clay Buzzard Family
  • Jeff Darby, Dorman Products Inc.
  • John Del Vasto, Lucy and John Del Vasto
  • Jon Ellsworth, Genuine Parts Company
  • Chris Gardner, MAAP, MEMA Aftermarket Suppliers
  • Duncan Gillis, BBB Industries LLC
  • Larry Griffin, VIPAR Heavy Duty
  • Todd Hack, MAAP, Mevotech
  • Bill Hanvey, MAAP, Auto Care Association
  • Tim Hardin, Epicor Software Corporation
  • Todd Hertzler, Robert Bosch, LLC
  • Tina Hubbard, HDA Truck Pride
  • Michael Kitching, GB Remanufacturing
  • Pete Kornafel, MAAP
  • Jeffrey E. Koviak, AAP, DRiV
  • Fletcher Lord III, AAP, Parts Warehouse/Crow Burlingame
  • Paul McCarthy, MAAP, Motor & Equipment Manufacturers Association
  • Zach Miller, Highline Warren
  • Mark O’Leary, SPS Commerce
  • Rollie Olson, Rollie & Gayle Olson and Family
  • Heather Preu, MAM Software Group Inc.
  • Jacqueline Rodriguez, Parts Authority
  • Robert Roos, The Pronto Network
  • Ryan Samuels, AWDA
  • Rick Schwartz, The Schwartz Family
  • Robert M. Segal, MAAP, Sanel NAPA/The Segal Family
  • Eric Sills, AAP, Standard Motor Products
  • Bill Stroupe, KIAWA Education Foundation
  • Tom Tecklenburg, AAP, Dayco Products LLC
  • Jessica Toliuszis, Women in Auto Care
  • Chuck Udell, MAAP, Morris/Rupp McCartney Education Trust of APSA
  • Chris Williams, N.A. Williams Company

Several more industry professionals will serve UAF in a variety of support roles, including Mike Blawas, audit committee; Anne Coffin, AAP, grants manager; Ryan Devine, MiX representative; Aldo Enriquez, marketing work group; Grace Hovis, YANG representative; Ted Hughes, AWDA liaison; George Keeley, legal counsel; Ken Marker, investment advisor; Steve Ng, Coffee Club work group; Nathan Perrine, comptroller; Joe Stephan, marketing committee; and Casey Ventrillo, investment advisor.

The University of the Aftermarket Foundation is a 501(c) 3 not-for-profit organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. To make a donation, visit

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. To learn about available scholarships, and to apply online, visit
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      link hidden, please login to view believes in, and is committed to, seeding the industry with future talent. We think it’s important for tire manufacturers, like Yokohama, to consider being involved in this worthy endeavor, and are honored to lay the foundation for others to follow.” “On behalf of the University of the Aftermarket Foundation, we extend our sincere thanks to Yokohama Tire Corporation for their generous support and welcome Jeff Barna to the UAF board of trustees,” said Roger McCollum, MAAP, chairman, University of the Aftermarket Foundation. “By becoming a Lifetime Trustee, Yokohama is demonstrating their commitment to the development of a skilled workforce that can drive industry innovation and service excellence. Their support is not just a contribution, but an investment in the future of the tire industry.”
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