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Making The Case For ADAS

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While the premise of a vehicle with no steering wheel and no human driver is not something the motoring public is quite ready for, the case for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)
is strong.

In October, automaker Ford posted a third-quarter loss of $827 million, and said it was largely due to its self-driving tech partner Argo AI going under. That same month, J.D. Power and Associates released a study that showed consumer understanding of automated vehicles is rife with misinformation.

On paper, one can make a pretty practical case for autonomous driving – the most obvious benefit being that it could potentially increase road safety and eliminate traffic deaths. Additional justification lies in the ability to reduce collision insurance claims and increase independence for certain populations who are currently limited in their options for safe and reliable transportation – such as the elderly and disabled.

However, as real-world testing begins, the technology is encountering some pretty significant roadbumps, and consumer understanding of the technology isn’t belying the confidence to make the mass adoption of fully automated vehicles a realistic possibility any time soon.

The recent J.D. Power study found 65% of consumers surveyed were unable to accurately define fully automated, self-driving vehicles. Plus, 56% of respondents incorrectly classified the driver-assist technologies available today as fully automated, self-driving technologies. The survey hints that consumers are lagging in understanding as well as preparation for higher levels of automation.

The current system for classifying levels of automated driving was established by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE). Ranging from 0-5, the SAE levels run the gamut from Level 0 where the driver is fully responsible for the vehicle’s operation and supervision of the technology on the car at all times, to Level 5, which gives complete control of the vehicle to the operating system itself and requires no human supervision at all. At this time, there are no Level 3-5 autonomous vehicles on the road today, according to J.D. Power.

Today, the most widely used safety technology on vehicles on roads today would be considered Level 2 – which would include such things as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) – automatic emergency braking (AEB), and Electronic Stability Control (ESC), lane assist, parking assist, driver drowsiness detection, gaze detection, etc. These technologies provide partial automation by taking over control in specific situations – such as turning a corner too fast, or coming to close to a vehicle in front of you. In 2008, ESC systems became mandated by NHTSA on all new vehicles by 2011. All automakers are currently participating in a voluntary commitment to make AEB standard on all vehicles as well.

In a recent webinar hosted by Reason Foundation, Brookings Institution and Princeton Autonomous Vehicle Engineering, several experts on AVs shared their thoughts on the subject, hoping to correct some of the common misconceptions and inject a dose of realism into the public debates surrounding autonomous vehicle technology. One of the three speakers, Alan Kornhauser, professor, Operations Research and Financial Engineering, and faculty chair of Autonomous Vehicle Engineering at Princeton University, said he believes ADAS should be mandated.

“ADAS is focused purely on safety,” said Kornhauser. “It’s on all the time, and it overrides drivers only to avoid getting into a crash situation. We’ve had a number of these systems in our vehicles for a long time. As long as we’re not using the brakes inappropriately, they just work the way we want. Otherwise, the system takes over and doesn’t allow you to lock your wheels. Same thing with electronic stability control. You can go around corners just fine. You go around too fast, all of a sudden, the system takes over and makes sure that you don’t lose your rear end. And maybe one of the most successful of these systems is reverse automated braking systems so that if you back up and there happens to be a child behind your car, the car stops.

“This has enormous implication on insurance because in fact, if there is no crash, then there’s no insurance that needs to be paid out. There’s no lawyer, there’s no ambulance, there’s no medical payments that have to be paid,” Kornhauser added.

When it comes to seeing federal or state regulations that could pave the way for more fully autonomous (i.e., driverless) cars on the road, Marc Scribner, senior transportation policy analyst at Reason Foundation, believes we aren’t quite there yet. Having consistent, published technical standards may be one of the bigger roadblocks, he said.

“Automated vehicle regulation is not going to occur in the near term,” said Scribner. “I think the delay is, in part, due to the lack of published voluntary consensus standards that may be ripe for regulatory incorporation. But, there also seems to be generally, at least so far [in] this administration, perhaps less enthusiasm for automated driving systems than the previous two administrations. But, I do think the lack of published technical standards that could be incorporated into regulation is a hurdle. Where federal regulators are silent, states may act instead. States and locals have primary authority over vehicle operations and infrastructure management. They own the roads; they manage the roads. They license drivers, they register vehicles. All of that kind of thing goes in with the vehicles actually out there in the real world,” said Scribner.

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      link hidden, please login to view announced it has released Guided ADAS. This application enables Autel Calibration system owners to use their frame, targets and expedited setup, with OE software accessed in-house or via the Autel Remote Expert platform, to calibrate vehicles not yet covered by Autel tablet ADAS calibration software, according to Autel. “We are always playing catchup when it comes to coverage. That is just the reality of being an aftermarket software developer. Yet, technicians, especially those working in collision, need to calibrate new or newer vehicles. With Guided ADAS, Autel users can take advantage of all the benefits of their calibration systems—ease of use and efficiency—step-by-step instructions, optical positioning, unlevel floor compensation, and validated documentation, along with our quality targets, patterns, and calibrators—and use OE calibration software to complete the task,”  said Stewart Peregrine, senior executive of ADAS sales at
      link hidden, please login to view.   Guided ADAS, which is compatible with all of the Autel calibration systems: the Standard, MA600, IA800, IA900, or the new IA700 frames, allows shops to use their own OE subscriptions and tools or contract with a Remote Expert with OE software subscriptions for the setup specifications and to initiate ADAS calibration on new vehicles, according to Autel.
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    • By Counterman
      Automotive technology is funny. It always seems so new when we’re forced to catch up with it and weave it into our everyday routine. Then we find out it’s been around much longer than we realize. We didn’t worry about it until suddenly, some form of it was on almost every vehicle on the road.
      Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), is one of those technologies, and like it or not, it’s time to jump on the ADAS bandwagon. Luckily, because it’s not as new as it seems, the tool and equipment technology to help us service these systems is coming of age. In other words, we’re no longer fighting through the growing pains of it. It’s here. It works, and it works well.
      The acronym is the newest part of all of it, and you might be surprised you’re already familiar with some of it. The purpose of ADAS, simply put, is to help drivers operate vehicles on a safer level, and its early roots were the development of antilock braking systems.
      Of course, today it’s much more complex with systems like blind spot monitoring, adaptive cruise control and automatic emergency braking, but nonetheless it’s all there for the same reason. ADAS are categorized into levels, determined by the amount of automation for any given system. Understanding them not only helps explain certain aspects to your customer, but it can help you as a technician to understand the various aspects and need for calibration.
      Level 0: No Driving
      These systems don’t control the vehicle in any way, they only provide information or situational assistance to the driver. Examples are blind spot warnings, forward collision warnings, lane departure warnings and antilock braking systems.
      Level 1: Driver
      These systems have the ability to control a single function of the vehicle, for example, adaptive cruise control and lane keep assist, but the driver is responsible for the main task of driving and braking, and these systems can be switched off by the driver.
      link hidden, please login to view Level 2: Partial
      Driving Automation
      At this level, ADAS can control multiple functions, for example lane keep assist and adaptive cruise control, which employs both lateral and longitudinal control at the same time. The vehicle is able to perform both functions on its own, but with the intent that the driver is monitoring them at all times. The driver must touch the steering wheel at regular intervals, so the system recognizes it is being monitored. Level 2 ADAS allows for temporary “hands free” driving, and this is the highest level legal for vehicles in the U.S.
      Level 3: Conditional Driving Automation
      These systems can control most of the functions of a car, and the vehicle can temporarily take over the task of driving, without regular monitoring from the driver. The driver must be able to take over control and respond to warnings from the system. There are currently no vehicles in the U.S. that are available at this level.
      link hidden, please login to view Level 4: High Driving Automation
      Level four is defined as complete autonomy under certain conditions. The driver is no longer required to be ready to intervene at any time and could for example, even sleep with level 4 ADAS. This level is, however, linked to very specific conditions such as driving on a defined route or in a parking garage.

      Level 5: Full Driving Automation
      These vehicles will have the ability to drive anywhere, under any conditions with no input from a “driver.” These vehicles would not require a steering wheel, or for that matter, an accelerator or brake pedal. In these vehicles, we are no longer drivers. We are just passengers.
      Coming of Age
      The apprehension of ADAS repair can be compared to any new technology where we “fight” with the equipment available to us as it catches up with the technology. For ADAS, the equipment has come of age. It’s no longer a dealer-only proposition.

      Technicians and independent shops can own the necessary equipment to successfully repair and calibrate ADAS systems. The scan tool technology and software is well-refined for ADAS diagnosis and repair, just as it is for all other vehicle systems. Equipment and tool manufacturers have been focused on making this repair technology viable for independent shops, and they’ve succeeded in their efforts.

      The calibration area and required space that seemed as if it would be the biggest factor affecting small shops, is now hardly a factor with lifts that are designed to maximize the functionality of individual bays, and scan tool technology that has advanced to maximize the use of limited space whenever possible.
      ADAS Servicing
      When it comes to servicing ADAS, the most important concept to remember is that ADAS cameras and radar sensors do not have moving parts inside. Cameras are set at the factory for focus and field of view. Radar sensors have a very specific beam pattern that can’t be changed.

      A calibration procedure typically uses a target with a specific pattern, shape or even thickness. The target is set at a specific distance, angle and orientation from a measured point on the vehicle. The vehicle knows what the target or fixture should look or sound like because it was programmed into the system at the factory. The scan tool activates this “memory,” so it can compare and possibly adjust.

      The majority of forward-facing cameras can’t mechanically change their point of view. The focus and field of view are set at the factory, and there are typically no moving parts. For example, no motors are moving the zoom or the angle of the camera. Instead, corrections are made with software that can “crop” in on the correct field of view and the vehicle’s centerline.

      Think of the camera lens as a wide-angle, but the software uses it as a telephoto.

      The same is true for blind-spot and rearview cameras. So, when you are calibrating the camera system, you are calibrating what area of the image the camera pays attention to. This prevents a roadside sign or a car in the next lane from becoming classified as an obstacle.

      Radar sensors emit radio waves that bounce off of objects and are received by the sensor. These types of sensors can detect objects and vehicles no matter the lighting conditions.

      There are two types of radar: long-range and mid-range. Long-range sensors are used to measure the presence, distance and even speed in a narrow field of view. This type of radar is called millimeter-wave radar by some manufacturers.

      Long-range sensors can measure up to 600 feet in front of the vehicle.

      Mid-range can detect objects 200 feet from the vehicle. But mid-range radar sensors only measure objects that are in near proximity to the vehicle. These radar sensors can be used for blind spot and cross-traffic detection.

      Calibration of radar sensors typically involves adjusting their position. Long-range sensors generally are mounted above or below the front bumper. Mid-range sensors can be mounted behind bumper covers, roof pillars and the corners of the vehicle.

      The position of a long-range radar sensor can be moved using adjustment screws behind the sensor to adjust direction and elevation. This type of adjustment is typically required if the sensor has been replaced or disturbed.

      Ultrasonic sensors have been on vehicles for more than 20 years. These are the small, round sensors mounted in the rear or front bumper of some vehicles. Ultrasonic sensors can detect objects that are typically within 10 feet from the vehicle. They send out soundwaves of a specific frequency that bounce off objects. The greater the return, the closer the object. These are very simple sensors that are used in backup monitor systems and blind-spot detection. Ultrasonic sensors have a very wide angle of detection and low resolution. As a result, ultrasonic sensors don’t need calibration on most vehicles.

      The ADAS module assumes that the target is positioned correctly when the scan tool initiates the calibration mode. The system trusts that you took the time to set up the targets with some degree of accuracy. It compares the factory settings to the actual values. It uses this information to make adjustments. If the required adjustment is outside of the parameters, a mechanical adjustment to the sensor will then have to be made to the mount or adjusters, if you are lucky.

      When you set up a target or fixture for a camera or radar calibration, the position and distance from the vehicle is critical to the performance and operation of the system. If the target or fixture is even a few millimeters off in position, it can severely affect system operation, as the camera or radar can end up “looking” at the wrong spot by many feet or meters.

      As with any technology, servicing it is half equipment and half experience. The equipment is here. The experience starts when you do. 
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    • By Counterman
      Autel has released its 2023 ADAS calibration coverage for an extensive list of vehicle brands.  
      With the release, Autel has added a dynamic DTC-analysis feature to provide causes and solutions for ADAS-sensor and component faults, the company noted.
      Available to all MaxiSYS tablet owners – MS906 Pro and higher, with active ADAS-calibration software subscriptions – calibration coverage expands to:
      GM – 2023-2024 Canyon, Cadillac Lyriq and XT4 Honda/Acura – 2023 HR-V, Pilot, Civic and Accord Hyundai – 2023 IONIQ 5 Infiniti – 2023-2025 Q50; 2024-2025 QX60; and 2023-2025 QX80 Kia – 2023 Sorento Land Rover – 2020-2023 Rover, Range Rover Sport and Discovery Lexus – 2022 RC300; 2022 UX200; 2023 NX400h, LC500h, LC500 and LC500C; and 2024 UX250H Maserati – 2023 Levante M161, Ghibli M157 and Quattroporte M156 Mazda – 2023 CX-50, CX-90 and MX-30 Nissan – 2023-2024 Versa; 2023-2025 Kicks; and 2023-2025 Rogue Sport Toyota – 2023-2024 BZ4X and 2023 Corolla Cross HEV The new DTC-analysis feature provides technicians with detailed fault-cause possibilities and suggested fault solutions including component repairs or replacements when a DTC in an ADAS system is detected. The feature is intended to facilitate the quick repair of the system with cause and solutions displayed with a tap on the question icon adjacent to the trouble code. 
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      The Autel IA900WA wheel-alignment and ADAS-calibration system provides vehicle wheel-alignment coverage from the 1960s to today.
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    • By Counterman
      These days, many will tell you that the tuneup is dead – a vestige of a bygone era. But I say the answer is far more subjective.
      It’s true: People rarely ask for a tuneup. Once the “king” of automotive service, the process of regular adjustments to the carburetor or fuel system – as well as the ignition system – has all but fallen by the wayside. It’s all handled now by a computer. The best part is these computers, known to us as engine or powertrain control modules, do a really great job at it.
      The worst part is they do such a good job of adjusting things and keeping cars running seemingly flawlessly that many people overlook the basic maintenance that’s still required. What this means is the tuneup is far from dead. It’s more important than ever, and in many aspects the same as it always was.
      The Way it Was
      There are many reasons a tuneup was so popular back in the day. Fuel systems (namely carburetors) were inefficient and required occasional adjustment. Spark plugs wore out quickly, often needing cleaning, gap adjustment or replacement. Points wore in pre-electronic ignition systems, requiring a regular dwell adjustment and frequent replacement. Distributor caps, rotors and wires needed frequent replacement to keep ignition systems in top condition.
      All of these factors and more contributed to very noticeable drivability issues on older cars, prompting owners to get a tuneup.
      Common replacement items also included air and fuel filters, crankcase ventilation filters and positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) valves, not to mention additional services such as a valve adjustment or belt adjustment. So, how does all this stack up to today’s vehicles?
      Spark Plugs
      There’s no comparison between the plugs of yesterday and today. Modern spark plugs simply work better and last a long time, often as long as 100,000 miles. But here’s the catch: They still wear out. As they wear, the computer continuously adjusts fuel mixture and timing to maintain optimum combustion. The engine runs perfectly the whole time, but behind the scenes, more energy is required to jump the gap of the plug.
      This adds additional load to the coils, eventually causing premature coil failure. Then there’s the potential of trouble removing a plug that’s been stuck in the cylinder head for many years. Ignoring spark plugs can be a costly mistake.
      It all seems great at first, and plugs definitely don’t need replaced as often as they did in the old days. But, many manufacturers are slimming down the replacement intervals. For me, I’d rather spend a little extra and replace those plugs before the target mileage.
      Coils and Boots
      Most modern ignition systems are a coil-on-plug system. They generally work or they don’t, meaning replacing them isn’t going to improve performance. But they don’t last forever. If one has gone bad, the others won’t be far behind. And the boots between the coils and plugs? They’re equivalent to a plug wire – just shorter – and they wear out just the same. In most cases, you can’t see them. They’re hidden from view in the middle of the valve cover.
      Quite often, the spark-plug-well seals go bad, leaking oil onto the coil boots and destroying them. This is all the more reason for regular inspection, and a reason to replace valve-cover gaskets when replacing plugs, coils and boots. Valve-cover gaskets were never considered part of a tuneup. They can be now.
      Tuneups = Maintenance
      Air filters are only new for a second before they start to get dirty. Less air to an engine means less performance. The computer again adjusts the fuel mixture to compensate.
      Neglected fuel filters can overwork the fuel pump and cause it to fail prematurely.
      The mass airflow (MAF) sensor sends critical data to the computer for engine operation. Cleaning them can improve performance and prevent drivability issues.
      It’s amazing how dirty throttle bodies get.
      Oh, and PCV valves? They’re still on a lot of cars.
      Even electric vehicles will require a tuneup of sorts. Battery-management systems (BMS) have an algorithm that can cause the indicated range to be less than it actually is, depending on people’s driving and charging habits. Recalibrating the state of charge will prompt the BMS to recalculate and restore the lost range.
      The bottom line: Maintenance. That’s all a tuneup was and what it still is. And maintenance never goes out of style.
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