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APF last won the day on February 2

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  1. Check out https://www.carparts.com/blog/kia-rio-reliability-and-common-problems/
  2. Maybe post a picture of it if you haven't figured it out what it's from.
  3. You can always wire a universal in like: https://amzn.to/4boaXEi
  4. Hopefully you found the part. For anyone else looking, its more than likely the below ignition module:
  5. One topic is good enough. Your duplicate topics have been removed, which can be considered spam.
  6. So if you resell I would see if your source can drop ship for you.
  7. Maybe partner with an existing parts distributor that has the logistics built out. Ship bulk to their DC(s) and have them ship out. Not sure if that's an option. Are you reselling or a manufacturer? If reselling, see if they can be drop shipped.
  8. Have a look at car-parts.com for used near you.
  9. Can you post a pic of yours? Are you looking for something like this: https://www.partsgeek.com/5mmw637-ford-f150-bumper-mounting-kit.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ff&utm_content=UK&utm_campaign=PartsGeek+Google+Base&utm_term=1975-1996+Ford+F150+Bumper+Mounting+Kit+Westin+92300+Rear+75-96+Ford+Bumper+Mounting+Kit+1981+1978&fp=pp&gbm=a&cid=18313611776&gclid=CjwKCAjws7WkBhBFEiwAIi168121yGa0EpebkqsWmY1dvtzN24LC5eHRsR7VM60TV0HHSmML-bHh7BoCzeMQAvD_BwE
  10. Control arm. See https://www.discountpartsmonster.com/v-2007-toyota-highlander--limited--3-3l-v6-gas/suspension--rear-suspension

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